Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July

America was founded on the main principle that all men were created equal and that they should be free. There was a lot of other reasons our country was founded too but I have always believed that we had values above all else.

It is nice to see that we haven't fully lost sight of why we are here. But there is a major stereotype of Americans in other countries. Some believe we should just give them everything we have because we have so much. Others seem to believe we are all fat and watch NASCAR. The way we give away our money is depressing, we blindly give it away to whatever charity has the best marketing campaign and never see it again.

Charity:Water completely changed the way they handle a charity's money. They show you exactly where your money goes, this model wont work for everyone though. I mean come on, who has a tech millionaire willing to front all your staff costs. Their model of complete transparency is something of envy, one I do hope to mimic once things get rolling more with

I am trying to gear up for a lot of changes. I want to start doing more and getting things done on the ground. To do that I do need equipment that I have been too proud to ask for. I need a definite answer on how we are moving forward from the church down in Friusa and then its full steam ahead on how much we have to raise and how to raise it. I will hopefully know next week. I am waiting on a clear amount before I start asking for money and I want a transparency on how the money is being spent. I personally don't care if I ever make a dime from this, I found a need and want to see it met.

As part of this 4th of July weekend I want to ask each one of you what being an American means to you, and how you can work to change the perception of Americans in other cultures.

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